Major 3.1 - process log - Geeske Boudestein
↳ finding urgency
↳ visual mindmap
↳ 'Medium is the Massage' translation
Main assignment
Interesting references & sources
↳ Midterms: Algorithmic transparency
↳ Timeline publication
↳ design process
↳ Invisible women, Caroline Criado Perez
↳ The woman destroyed, Simone de Beauvoir (1967)
↳ conceptual process
↳ 'Towards a Standard for Algorithmic
Transparency in the Media - Tow center
↳ 'ALGORITHMIC TRANSPARENCY AND DECISION-MAKING ACCOUNTABILITY: Thoughts for buying machine learning algorithms
- Jack Goldenfein
↳ 'AI Bias Could Put Women’s Lives At Risk - A Challenge For Regulators' - Carmen Niethammer, Forbes