TOPIC: Algorithmic transparency
Algorithmic transparency is the principle that the factors that influence the decisions made by algorithms should be visible, or transparent, to the people who use, regulate, and are affected by systems that employ those algorithms.

Q: How do you reach algorithmic transparency? Do you visualize the algorithm or the impact of the algorithm?

↳ 'Towards a Standard for Algorithmic
Transparency in the Media - Tow center
Thoughts for buying machine learning algorithms
- Jack Goldenfein
SOURCES: Algorithmic transparency
The physical publication presents an storyline about algorithmic transparency, while visualizing the loss of information/narrative in algorithms. The digital publication is used to give a full view of the information in the publication.

TOPIC: the gender bias in algorithms
Data not only describes the world, it is increasingly being used to shape it. The first programmers were women – the human “computers” who performed complex calculations for the military during the second world war. Now women make up just 11% of software developers, 25% of Silicon Valley employees, and 7% of partners at venture capital firms. Bytes may be neutral, but programmers are often – wittingly or unwittingly – biased.
SOURCES: Gender bias
↳ 'Invisible women' - Caroline Criado Perez
↳ 'The second sex' - Simone de Beauvoir
↳ 'AI Bias Could Put Women’s Lives At Risk - A Challenge For Regulators' - Carmen Niethammer, Forbes

The physical publication presents a storyline about algorithmic transparency, while visualizing the loss of information/narrative in algorithms. The digital publication is used to give a full view of the information in the publication.

The physical publication presents a storyline about a woman,
but parts of the story wont be readable due to the algorithm.
this visualizes the loss of information/narrative in algorithms.
The storyline itself will have gaps in it, representing the effect of algorithms in a life of a woman.

Via augmented reality the reader will be able to read the full story, while also given information and reasoning about applied algorithm, giving the user algorithmic transparency.

STORY USED: The Age of Discretion, part of 'The Woman Destroyed' by Simone De Beauvoir

This story is about a woman in her sixties loses confidence in her own ability to navigate her personal and professional life, which i found fitting the my topic, since algorithms (more than i thought) control our personal and professional life. Which can make it harder to fully navigate these aspects on our own.
An example of this is Amazon’s recruiting tool which was discovered to be biased against women, which resorted to women having almost no opportunity to get the job.

↳ 'Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women' - Jeffery Dastin, Reuters
I wanted to use work from Simone de Beauvoir since she is one of the most influential feminist writers of the 20th century, and a lot of her writing, even though written before the age of algorithms and big data, is relevant to the position of women in the digital age.

Research question
Research and design questions